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The Driving Companion

The Hazard Perception Test

The Hazard Perception Test

The HPT is based on the driving situations that lead to the four most common crash types of South Australian provisional drivers.

It involves a touch-screen computer-based test that measures your ability to recognise potentially dangerous situations on the road and react appropriately.

You must pass the HPT to progress from a Learner’s Permit to a P1 licence.

The HPT must be booked and undertaken at a Service SA customer service centre.

If you live more than 100 kilometres (as the crow flies) from a place where the test is conducted, or on Kangaroo Island, you are exempt from having to sit the test..

Why the Hazard Perception Test?

The aim of the HPT is to confirm that learner drivers have enough hazard perception skills to “graduate” to the P1 licence.

Research shows that drivers with poor hazard perception skills usually have more crashes.

Research also shows that screen-based hazard perception tests can detect drivers with a higher risk of crash involvement..

Crash Patterns of Provisional Drivers

The majority of all South Australian provisional driver crashes fall within only four crash types:

  • colliding with the rear of another vehicle travelling in the same direction.
    Rear end collision diagram
  • colliding at right angles.
    Collision diagram while driving across traffic
  • collisions with vehicles where at least one vehicle is turning right.
    Collision diagram while turning across oncoming traffic
  • running off the road and hitting an object, such as a tree, a pole or a parked vehicle.
    Collision diagram, leaving road and colliding with a tree

Why are provisional drivers involved in high numbers of crashes?

The high involvement of provisional drivers in crashes seems to be partly due to inexperience because driving is a new skill.

When we start something new we tend to make mistakes and are not be as skilful as those with lots of experience.

However, new drivers also sometimes do things that can increase their risk of crash involvement. These include:

  • travelling too closely behind other vehicles
  • driving too fast for the conditions
  • not looking far enough ahead when driving
  • choosing gaps that are too small when making turns, crossing intersections or overtaking..

Avoiding crashes

It is important to know what driving situations are most dangerous for you.

You can then identify the skills you need to practise so you can handle these situations safely.

Research shows that one of the most important of these skills is good hazard perception.

This is why the Hazard Perception Test has been introduced in South Australia.

You can practise the Hazard Perception Test on


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